TEN Codes of Conduct
The following page details our codes of conduct for riders, youth riders and parents/guardians. These should be considered alongside the TEN constitution and T&Cs.
Rider code of conduct
- Responsible for their own safety
- Responsible for the safety of other riders in the group
- Make club fun and sociable place to be
- Be friendly and welcoming, particularly to new members
- Respect the rights, dignity and worth of all participants regardless of age, gender, ability, race, cultural background or
religious beliefs or sexual identity
- Refrain from the use of bad language or racial/sectarian references
- Refrain from all forms of bullying, including that via social media or any other form of communication
- Respect the role of the ride leader and ride supervisor
- Carry NoK information
- Comply with the highway code
- Responsible for their own well-being during the ride
- Carry enough fuel and water
- Inform ride leader if intending to leave the ride
- Adhere to ability and fitness requirements
- Wear a helmet
- Conforms to recognised standard
- Is undamaged
- Correct size
- Correctly fitted
- Clothing and equipment
- Appropriate for the activity
- Environment
- Weather
- Considering potential for change
- Ideally by layering
- Jacket advisable
- Gloves
- Eye coverage
- Bike
- In good working order
- 2 working brakes
- Appropriate size
- Appropriate for the environment
- Repairs
- Responsible for their own repairs
- Equipment
- Be prepared for situations such as adverse weather conditions
- Be prepared for mechanical problems and flat tyres
- Carry tools and tubes
- Not to use cameras or phones during a ride
- Recommend not using music players. Riders must be able to hear safety calls and vehicles
Rider (youth) code of conduct
As a member of TEN Youths, riders are expected to abide by the following code of
• Keep yourselves and others safe.
• Help make our club a fun and enjoyable place to be.
• Positively engage in coaching at every session.
• Behave, listen to and respect coaching instruction, guidance and requests.
• Be friendly and particularly welcoming to new members.
• Be supportive towards other team members.
• Report any inappropriate behaviour or risky situations you experience.
• Keep within the defined boundary of the coaching activity and environment, unless you
have informed a coach.
• Take care of equipment owned by the club.
• Respect the rights, dignity and worth of all participants regardless of age, gender, ability,
race, cultural background or religious beliefs or sexual identity.
• Refrain from the use of bad language or racial/sectarian references.
• Refrain from all forms of bullying, including that via social media or any other form of
• Not get involved in inappropriate peer pressure or push others into anything they do
not want to do.
• Refrain from rough and/or dangerous play.
• Understand that the club will review membership following more than three consecutive
• Be listened to.
• Be respected and treated fairly.
• Be protected from abuse by other member or outside sources.
• Participate on an equal basis, appropriate to their ability.
• Experience competition and the desire to win.
• Be believed.
• Ask for help.
• Have any concerns taken seriously and acted on.
Any minor misdemeanours and general misbehaviour will be addressed by the Coach and
reported verbally to the designated person. More serious or persistent misbehaviour may
result in disciplinary action and potentially dismissal from TEN Youth Cycling. Parents/carers
will be informed at all stages. The club disciplinary procedure contains full details.
Disciplinary action can be appealed to the coach with final decisions taken by the club
coaching committee.
Parent code of conduct
As a parent / carer / guardian of a TEN Youth Cyclist I am expected to:
• Discuss with and encourage my child to understand these expectations.
• Inform the Coaches of any specific health requirements or medical conditions of my child
(and changes to them) in advance of the coaching session by completion of a Club
membership form or a parental consent/rider information form.
• Sign my child in and out of every session.
• Inform the Coach if my child has to leave early or is being collected by someone other
than a parent / carer, giving details of the arrangement including who and when.
• Help my child to recognise good performance, not just results and set a good example
by recognising fair play and applauding the good performances of all.
• Never discipline a child for losing or making mistakes, support their involvement and help
him/ her to enjoy his/her sport.
• Accept officials’ judgments and encourage children to do likewise
• Use correct and proper language at all times and support all efforts to remove verbal
and physical abuse from sporting activities.
• Respect the rights, dignity and worth of every young person regardless of their gender,
ability, disability.
• Keep the club informed of participation at sessions where possible at least 24hrs in
advance, using the online forum.
• Pay block fees promptly.
Coach code of conduct
All our coaches have signed up to, and abide by, the British Cycling Code of Practice for
Cycling Coaches.
This code of practice is:
a constituent part of a policy and procedure for dealing with allegations and complaints
used, in conjunction with the Guidelines for Coaching Cycling, as the definitive guide and benchmark measure of good cycling coaching practice in determining any need for sanctions against a cycling coach
fully incorporated into the British Cycling coach education processes
supported by appropriate training and resources.
As responsible cycling coaches, we should be committed to applying good practice to our
coaching at all times. We should understand the expectations outlined in the code of
practice and keep up to date with any changes.
View the Code of Practice for Cycling Coaches